How much does a Pennsylvania Credit Service Organization Bond cost?
The cost of a Pennsylvania credit service organization bond will vary as the bond must be underwritten. For underwritten bonds, an underwriter will review the applicant’s credit, as well as the amount of the bond, prior to determining a premium. For this bond, the amount could range from $5,000 to $25,000, so an application must be submitted stating the proper bond amount to receive an accurate quote.
For more information on how surety bond costs are determined, please see this in-depth guide to surety bond costs.
Call 1 (800) 308-4358 or submit a bond request to get the Pennsylvania credit service organization bond you need. Our experts make the bonding process fast and easy!
What is the required bond amount?
Under Section 7 of the Pennsylvania Credit Services Act, the amount of the surety bond for a credit service organization must be equal to 5% of the total fees charged to buyers during the previous 12 months and must be between $5,000 and $25,000. The bond amount will then be adjusted on an annual basis within 10 days of the first month of the organization’s fiscal year.
Why is a surety bond or trust account required for Credit Service Organizations?
If a credit service organization wishes to receive compensation for services before its completion, the state of Pennsylvania requires organizations to obtain either a surety bond or a trust account in the required amount. Complying with all rules and regulations established by the Pennsylvania Credit Services Act ensures organizations will be allowed to remain in business.
In place of posting a surety bond, a trust account may be established. The amount will be the same as the bond, $5,000 to $25,000, at 5% of the total fees charged of buyers during the previous year. The trust account amount will also be reviewed annually. If a trust account is obtained, proof of notification of the depository, the trustee and the account number must be filed with the Department of State.
Important Information
When filing your bond or trust account information with the Department of State Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations, a $70 check or money order must be included and made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Your surety bond or proof of a trust account may be sent via mail to the Bureau at the following address:
Post Office Box 8722
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-8722
The application materials may also be delivered in person to the following address:
401 North Street, Room 206
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17120
If the organization has obtained either a surety bond or established a trust account, representatives, agents, or other workers who sell the services of the organization are not required to obtain for themselves a surety bond or create a trust account.
Additional Resources
Pennsylvania Department of State Non-Banking Licenses
Pennsylvania Department of State Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations